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How to create an HTML email signature with our signature generator tool in a few simple steps
- Open the Email Signature Generator on
- If you are signed in upload your photo or company logo otherwise enter a URL address to it.
- Select an option to see your photo on the left, right, top, or bottom (Photo Placement options just below the Photo URL field).
- Fill in all the signature contact details you need.
- Optionally add a banner image with an optional link (clicking on the banner will open the website URL you enter).
- Update your signature social profile links. It can be any icon URL and link if you like. If you don’t need it just select the None option from the Social Icons Placement.
- Style your signature as you like:
- If you are signed in save your signature online.
- Copy the signature HTML code to the clipboard ready for pasting into your email client (Gmail, Apple Mail, Outlook, Outlook Live, Thunderbird, Yahoo). We recommend using Chrome or Edge browser. Only Firefox browser version 127+ does support copying HTML format into the clipboard.
- Test your signature by creating a new email and sending it.
- Please note that you can customize your signature fully in our Visual and Code Editors. Just click the white ‘Edit in Visual Editor’ button (you need to be logged in).
- That’s it! You’ve successfully created your HTML signature. Also, feel free to send us any feedback…
Read about other ways of creating HTML email signatures on…