Word Counter - A free tool to count the words and characters in your text

Just paste or enter your text in the editor below to instantly count words and characters

Characters: 0

Without spaces: 0

Words: 0

Sentences: 0

Paragraphs: 0

Online Word and Character Counter Tool

Welcome to our Online Word Counter Tool – the quick, easy, and reliable way to measure your text! Whether you're writing an essay, crafting a tweet, or optimizing content for SEO, our tool helps you stay on track by providing instant feedback on your text's length.

Why Use Our Word Counter?

  • Accurate Word Count: Get a precise word count for your text, no matter the length.
  • Character Count: Need to fit within a specific character limit? We've got you covered, including spaces or without.
  • Instant Results: No delays or hassle – paste or type your text, and see the numbers instantly.
  • Free and Easy to Use: No sign-ups or subscriptions are required. Use it as often as you need.

How It Works

  1. Paste or type your text into the box.
  2. Instantly see the number of words and characters.
  3. Use the feedback to refine your text and achieve your goals.

Perfect for:

  • Students: Meet essay or assignment word count requirements.
  • Writers: Optimize articles, blog posts, or stories.
  • Marketers: Keep social media posts within platform limits.
  • Everyone Else: Count words and characters for any purpose!

Start using the Online Word Counter Tool now, and take control of your text today!