Word Counter - A free tool to count the words and characters in your text
Just paste or enter your text in the editor below to instantly count words and characters
Characters: 0
Without spaces: 0
Words: 0
Sentences: 0
Paragraphs: 0
Online Word and Character Counter Tool
Welcome to our Online Word Counter Tool – the quick, easy, and reliable way to measure your text! Whether you're writing an essay, crafting a tweet, or optimizing content for SEO, our tool helps you stay on track by providing instant feedback on your text's length.
Why Use Our Word Counter?
- Accurate Word Count: Get a precise word count for your text, no matter the length.
- Character Count: Need to fit within a specific character limit? We've got you covered, including spaces or without.
- Instant Results: No delays or hassle – paste or type your text, and see the numbers instantly.
- Free and Easy to Use: No sign-ups or subscriptions are required. Use it as often as you need.
How It Works
- Paste or type your text into the box.
- Instantly see the number of words and characters.
- Use the feedback to refine your text and achieve your goals.
Perfect for:
- Students: Meet essay or assignment word count requirements.
- Writers: Optimize articles, blog posts, or stories.
- Marketers: Keep social media posts within platform limits.
- Everyone Else: Count words and characters for any purpose!
Start using the Online Word Counter Tool now, and take control of your text today!